High quality firearm products

We provide the Southern African shooting and firearm enthusiast, as well as the typical firearm owner with the best quality product that can hold its own against any internationally available product.

International Standards

We are

Schütze is a product development and manufacturing company of firearm care and associated products in South Africa.

Our product development and testing is primarily outsourced to international experts.

Learn more about who we are

Conforms to rigorous international standards

Our products

Domestic development is focused on ensuring that the materials used in the production and manufacturing process conforms to the rigorous international standards set by our foreign development associates.

Domestic testing is carried out to ensure that the products conform to design specifications.

More products will be phased in until a complete product line is on the shelves and available to the shooting community. Negotiations with international distributors is under way to make Schütze a truly international brand.


All our products in South Africa are sold and distributed by Omchem (Pty) Ltd.

Visit Omchem to shop our Schütze range

Manufactured by Omchem

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