Schütze CLP – Cleans, Lubricates & Protects.

A Must for every shooter’s cleaning rack. The perfect combination of the best quality gunsmithing oil, cleaning agents and solvents. This places this product far ahead of any
competing product. Effective in combating plastic fouling. It contains a mixture of solvents that evaporates both slow and fast to give you the best of both worlds. CLP was not developed to remove copper fouling. But with regular use you will definitely notice a decrease in copper fouling.

CLP was developed and formulated to specifically remove carbon fouling from rifle barrels. This is done by attacking the carbon bonds en soften up the carbon. Spray into to
rifle barrel to get it good and wet. Then use your cleaning rod and a bronze brush to scrub the carbon away down to the naked metal of the bore. If you have access to a bore-scope,
you will see the difference CLP makes. Follow up with a clean patch to remove the dirt and loosened carbon.

Repeat and continue until patches comes out clean. Remember, bronze is softer than steel by miles and the brushing will not harm your barrel.

Be warned: You might have to repeat the process a couple of times. Schütze CLP’s formulation is as such that it will remove years and years of carbon build up that might
have formed by incorrect cleaning or the use of inferior cleaning products. Each and every dirty patch that comes out of your barrel is proof of carbon build up you have not been aware of. Do not make the mistake to think CLP is a slow acting cleaner!

Schütze CLP also provides the necessary lubrication to ensure the optimal functioning of your firearm. CLP will also in normal conditions protect against rust for up to a year.

After cleaning with CLP, all cleaning agents and solvents will evaporate, and only the best quality firearm oil will remain behind in your firearm.

Schütze CLP – Cleans, Lubricates & Protects – Afrikaans

‘n Moet vir elke skut se skoonmaak rak. Die perfekte kombinasie van die beste wapensmid olie, skoonmaakmiddels en oplosmiddels plaas hierdie produk ver voor enige
ander soortgelyke produk. Bevat ‘n mensel van oplosmiddels wat stadig en vinnig verdamp om jou die beste van beide wêrelde te gee. Effektief in die geveg teen plastiek
aanpaksels. CLP is nie geformuleer om koper aanpaksels te verwyder nie. U sal wel ‘n vermindering van koper aanpaksels opmerk met die gereelde gebruik van CLP.

CLP is spesiaal geformuleer om koolstof (carbon) aanpaksels uit geweerlope te verwyder deur die koolstof verbindings aan te val en sag te maak. Spuit in geweerloop om goeie
benatting te verkry. Gebruik tesame met ‘n koper borsel en skoonmaakstok om die aangepakte koolstof af te skuur totdat die naakte staal van die geweerloop sigbaar is.
Volg op en stoot ‘n skoon lappie deur die loop om die koolstof en vuilheid te verwyder.

Spuit weer in loop en herhaal die proses totdat die lappie skoon uit die loop kom. Onthou, ‘n koper borsel is sagter as staal en kan nie u geweerloop beskadig nie.

Wees gewaarsku: U gaan die proses dalk ‘n hele paar keer moet herhaal. Schütze CLP se formulasie is van so ‘n aard dat dit jare se koolstof aanpaksels gaan losmaak wat opgebou
het deur die gebruik van minderwaardige produkte. Elke lappie wat vuil gaan uitkom is ‘n teken van koolstof aanpaksels wat u nie bewus van was nie. Moet nie die fout maak om
die vuil lappies te sien as ‘n stadig- of swak werkende skoonmaakmiddel nie!

Schütze CLP verskaf ook die nodige smering om optimale funksionering van u wapen te verseker. CLP sal ook in normale omstandighede teen roes beskerm vir tydperke so lank
as ‘n jaar.

Na u klaar skoongemaak het, sal al die skoonmaak en oplosmiddels verdamp, en slegs die beste kwaliteit geweer olie bly in u wapen agter.

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All our products in South Africa are sold and distributed by Omchem (Pty) Ltd.

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